I'm Back
Well, I've been very busy over the previous month. I've been away on a whirlwind around the world tour. I had a great time, couldn't believe the things I've seen. Ha! NOT! Actually, I just haven't had the time. Life goes on, and now that spring has arrived, it seems there's so much to do outside. Keeping up with the yard work is hard enough, but I've had to work quite a bit of overtime too over the previous month.
One new item of interest, we adopted a new puppy. She arrived last night, flying in from a breeder in Texas. She's a toy rat terrier, just like our other dog, but is black and brown. She'll likely be quite a bit smaller than our other dog, weighing in at 6 lbs. when fully grown instead of 9 lbs. like Ginger. We named her Maisy. I have to admit, I really did not want to get another dog. I really don't want the hassle and responsibility again. Puppy training the first time was hard enough, and I really have no desire to do it again. My wife really wanted the dog though, to be a playmate for our other dog. Sigh. Whatever. The puppy arrived with a really bad cold, and now today, we can't get her to use the restroom. Ugh. The timing really couldn't be worse, with my schedule, and upcoming events over the next 10 days.
I may be getting a new digital camera. We've had some trouble with our old point and shoot digital camera. It's only 3 years old, but is becoming a bit unreliable. I may buy a digital SLR camera to take advantage of my collection of lenses and external flash. It would be the pricy route to follow, but the pictures would be much better than what we've been getting.
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