Friday, December 16, 2005

The Era of Star Trek

I've noticed over the last 2 weeks, 3 people who have communicator-like devices attached to their ears. They are more than just a hands-free headset, in fact, they are the entire cell phone, based on Bluetooth technology. As far as I can tell, they are voice activated. They look a little weird, but I think this may be the trend of the future. In essence, the "personal communicator" used by Star Trek personnel has arrived. Yikes. The future is arriving faster than I ever thorugh it would.

As a side note, I really like my new toothbrush. In fact, it's aweseme. I've never used an electric toothbrush, and I do have to say, my teeth have never felt as clean. It's amazing. I think it was money well spent.

Wednesday, December 07, 2005

Visiting the Dentist

I went for my bi-annual dentist visit today. I really don't like going to the dentist, but I do like how clean my teeth are when I leave. In fact, I kind of dread going to the dentist, as my jaw hurts so much when I'm done. But, it wasn't as bad this time, and I was in and out in about 35 minutes. I also bought an electric toothbrush from them. I bought the Oral B Triumph, their latest and greatest model. I've been thinking about buying an electric toothbrush for awhile, and the sales pitch from the dental hygienist was too much to ignore. I thought it might be worthwhile to give it a try. It was $95, about $25 cheaper than buying it at the Walmart, plus, there's also a $10 mail in rebate. But, the replacement heads run about $20 per pack of 3, so that's pretty pricey. We'll see. It does have a 30 day money back guarantee, but I'm guessing I'll like it.

Saturday, December 03, 2005

Another Round of Snow

It snowed again today, another 4". Wow, the winter is starting out with a bang. And, it's supposed to get very cold over the next few days, below zero at nighttime. That's one thing I could do without. Plus, all of the extra salt and sand in the garage is really messy. Yuck.

We went to the Nutcracker ballet tonight. Previously. after attending the Legend of Sleepy Hollow ballet (before Halloween), I vowed to never go to another ballet again. But, my wife and daughter wanted to go, and I agreed to buy the tickets. However, we almost didn't go afterall. We got into a huge family fight before going, and I practically ripped up tickets right in front of them. Then, my wife said she wasn't going to go, and I walked out with my daughter in tow. My daughter and I went to dinner without her. After dinner, I called her one last time to see if she wanted to change her mind. She reluctantly agreed to go.

So, we attended the ballet in angst, but I'm not sure if anyone in the family really enjoyed it, considering our fight. It was a nice show though, but I still really don't get ballet. I guess I just don't have the artsy gene in me. There were a lot of other guys there, and for the most part, they seemed to be really into it. The music was nice, but that's about as much as I got out of it.