Saturday, October 08, 2005

First Batch of Wine Bottled

This past week, I bottled my first batch of homemade wine. It's a Blackberry Cabernet that was produced from a wine kit. The wine kit is basically a box of ingredients to work with, but everything else is up to you, i.e. you control the fermentation, the temperatures, any additional additives that you might want to include, and also the aging. I started this wine back in August of this year, and it's now ready to drink. It's actually pretty good. Perhaps a little sweet, but overall, it's really good for my first wine. Not bad. The bottles look great, I applied a color label (that I printed with my inkjet printer), and am really excited. I do have another batch of wine ready to bottle and label (my White Zinfandel), but I need to get another set of filter pads first before I bottle it. Hopefully, I'll have that batch complete next week.


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